
It has been one whole year since finding out about something that changed my life and my family forever. I can't believe it's been a year. What a long, rough year. But it was full of so many blessings. When I found out about my dad, I thought my life was over. I couldn't even believe what was happening. For the first four months, I was in a state of depression that I never thought I would get out of. My poor roommates had to deal with my dead self and I'll be forever grateful for them because they did. I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I felt responsible for my family. After about four months, I started to feel happy again about little things and I started seeing some of the blessings in my life. Once summer hit, I thought I was back to my old self because I had such a blast this past summer. That, in and of itself, was a MAJOR blessing. It made me realize that I do have friends that care about me and that there are things in life that are fun! Summer was like an escape for me. I didn't really feel like I was living my life. It was like a dream. Once school started, I was back to stressing about little things and worrying once more. I then started seeing how I had been affected by this whole thing in other ways than the obvious ones. I had lost complete trust in any males. I had lost all of my self confidence. I struggled with church. I had a LOT of hatred inside of me. Among other things. Man. One year... I've learned a lot about myself and my family and others. I know that I have a long way to go before I'm myself again. But I'm getting there :) I'm grateful for the friends in my life. I'm very grateful for the relationship with my mom that has grown more than she'll ever know. 

I don't really enjoy writing serious blog posts ha felt like I should do it though! Phew. It's over. 


  1. Linds, YOU'RE AMAZING.
    No one could ever handle things the way you did. I am simply in awe at you and your strong family. Your Christmas card is up in our kitchen & I am reminded so much of how there are strong people out there like you & your mom. Thank you for always having faith and hope-you are a big example to me and my family. We are always thinking and praying for you. If there's anything I could ever do for you, please let me know. I hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas. Love you & your amazing family!

  2. Lindsay,
    You are sure a sweet girl, like stated above YOU are amazing. We love you, your Mother , Tyler and Katie. We will always be there for you . Your deserve the best in your life.


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