
It's official. 11/11/11 was a hit. It just happened to be the best day EVER.
Here's how it went down.
Well... here's the week leading up to it.
Wednesday morning we had to stand in line in order to get a camping spot for the BYU vs. USU basketball game. We got it. Yeah... hold the applause please.
lucky number 31.
Check ins were at 9am. 5pm. 10pm. Someone had to be at every check in and every person in a group had to check in once a day. Also, they did random checks throughout the night so someone had to sleep there. Obviously. It's called camping out. Duh. So Wednesday night, a bunch of us campers hung out and played rugby.

It was freezing. I had at least six layers on.

Our tent was a two man tent. The first night... was frigid. And I was WIDE awake. So around 4:30am... I walked home.

Thursday night was a thousand times better. We hung out with the same people and it was a blast. The trick was to sleep on couch cushions. It was like ten times warmer. So great. I sleep like a baby.

Friday was the day. The day of the game we'd been waiting for. At 1:30, we went and waited in line. While waiting in line, we colored pictures for our 11/11/11 party.

Luckily we got to get in line according to our number :) there we were reaping the benefits of camping out. Hallelujah. Standing in line was pretty fun! There was free hot chocolate, chants, music, games. Basically a party. Ya know... cuz we're party people.

When they opened the doors.... people could've died. Shoving. Pushing. Stepping on feet. Rushing. Falling down stairs. It was a foot race to the best seats. I was in the lead of my group and I made it to the 8th row. Yeah I know... how quick am i?? Once we got in and seated, the anticipation of the game kicked in and every BYU fan that walked in, the student section would boo. When the game started.... I've never heard such loud cheering before in my life. It was... EPIC.

I won't go into detail about the game but let's just say... WE FETCHING WON. Suuuuuuch a close game! I lost my voice. Never happened to me before. Truly epic.

We went home after the game to prepare our apartment for our 11/11/11 party. We put on 11 pieces of clothing, put streamers everywhere, put up the signs, set up the drinks, and we were ready to begin :)

People started showing up and the games began. We played signs first, while people were showing up and then when about 25 people were there, we switched to the hershey bar game. I began to pour ginger ale for the toast.

At 11:10, I made a toast of 11 words. And everyone had a cup of ginger ale in hand.

Counted down to 11:11 and everyone treated it as though New Years had come early. Oh and I forgot the minor detail that there was FIFTY, I repeat FIFTY people in our apartment. Ask me if I knew half of them.... No I didn't. But we were popular!! WOOT WOOT!

After the celebration, a few people stayed and we played spoons and charades.

We ended the night watching Ocean's Eleven. Let me tell you... This night, the night of 11/11/11... I had the greatest time ever. EVER.

I apologize for my long post but it had to be posted. The epicness of the party we had HAD to be told.
I can't wait for the next one.

If you lasted this long... I applaud you. Thank you for listening. It's been a real treat. Let's do this again sometime. Mmk.. byee. Cuz my daddy taught me good.


  1. Sounds like you had a ton of fun! You sure know how to throw a party! :)


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