hello world.


I just graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor Degree in Marketing on May 3, 2014. Look out world!!

This semester was a crazy one! I learned that senioritis is a real disease. I learned that my priorities are extremely messed up. I learned that time flies. I learned that I'm not a great student. But whatevs, I also learned a million other amazing things.

I was busy working 40 hours a week while attending school and having fun with my friends. Rough life...

I passed all of my classes. I wouldn't say with flying colors but I freakin passed them and that is what's up.

Finals week meant nothing to me. I was too busy having a blast with my great friend Jeffrey Struthers to think about finals. I only had one and it wasn't until Thursday so... I had time to spare.

I became homeless the Friday of finals week and so began the month of May. Graduating is WAY MORE FUN than graduaTION. Graduation is the longest thing ever. Plus they got a speaker that no one could understand. All of the graduates were below the jumbo-tron so there was no chance of us knowing what the dude was saying. So we just chatted amongst ourselves :)

After the ceremony, we took pictures. It's an awkward happening when you have friends there for pictures and your family wants to take a million family pictures first. So Jeff, Caleb, and Isaiah all had cameras in hand and they were in charge of taking the pictures. I was glad when that ended.

Then we went to the Bluebird to eat. Delish.

And so ended my college career. Just like that. It still hasn't hit me yet but I'm sure it will when everyone is going back to school and I'm just... working. Always working.

As a college graduate (I know, I'm way knowledgeable now), I feel like I am in such an amazing stage of life. In the last 5 years (yes it took me longer to finish school than necessary, choosing a major is rough) I've learned an incredible amount of things. I've learned about a million things about myself, about life, about the gospel, about school, about everything!

I would never take back anything that I've experienced in those years. Here's a timeline of me since little Lindsay graduated from Lehi High School in 2009.

  • Summer 2009
    • Worked multiple jobs so I could move out 
        • Mr. Network
        • Janitor at dad's office
        • soccer trainer
        • CNA 
      • in doing this I learned how to work hard and how to schedule my time so that I could be at each job
  • Westminster College August 2009-December 2010
    • played collegiate soccer
    • tried to do nursing
      • hated it. Wasn't good at it.  
    • was placed in an environment that was completely foreign to me
      • I learned all about alcohol and drugs and sex during my time here
        • It completely opened my mind and I learned to not be judgmental and to care about people no matter their life choices
        • I struggled with the gospel because I wanted to "fit in". I never drank, never smoked, never did anything against the church, but I didn't go to church. And I wasn't happy because of it. I was secluded a lot because of my beliefs. And dating options were extinct. 
        • Eventually I learned to stand on my own two feet and make my decisions and stand up for what I believe in whether people liked me or not. 
        • I wasn't having fun and I wasn't happy. So I decided I needed a change. 
  • Utah State University January 2011-May 2014
    • Transferring was literally the best decision I've ever made. Everything worked out SO WELL to get there. I applied, got in, found a place to live, got in all of my classes, all of my credits transferred. Bam. The Lord loves me.
    • First semester there
      • I was gonna try out for the USU soccer team. On the day of tryouts I decided against it and I don't regret it at all. I found out I can make friends without soccer! Crazy! 
      • Dated two guys! Wuuuudup. 
      • Tried elementary education. Eh, didn't fit in. 
      • That summer, I figured out my major :) marketing fo liiiiiife. 
    • While at USU
      • I learned that God has a hand in our lives ALWAYS. He places people in your life for a reason. 
        • When my family was blown apart, I had the absolute PERFECT roommates. They supported me, cared about me, helped me, and loved me and I will forever be indebted to them for that. 
        • In all of my dating experiences, I gained so much knowledge about myself and what I want in my future husband and what red flags to look for. 
        • I learned to be independent and not rely on people for things.
        • I learned that I love going to church on my own and gaining knowledge about the Savior :) 
        • I learned that even though I was going to go on a mission and didn't because of family issues, I can be a member missionary and bring people to the knowledge of Christ. I've had so many amazing missionary moments in my life and I could still be here and help my family out! 
      • I was so glad that I could go through my college years not married. It's such a blessing in life to get married and start an eternal family and I think it's incredible when people do that. But for me, personally, I'm so glad I didn't. I would not have learned all of the things that I did had I been married. Now that college is over, yes it is the next step, but I feel like I'm in the perfect position now! It'll come when it comes and I will never rush it.
I have made lifelong friends here at Utah State. Logan has become my safe haven. I absolutely love it here. Logan will forever hold a place in my heart. 

Now that I'm graduated, I'm nervous. I have no idea where life will take me. I mean, I know that in the next year I'll be travelling a bit and then living in Logan and working at the Color Vibe, but after, who knows. But how exciting is that?? I can't wait to see what my future holds :) 

In 5 days I leave on the summer trip of a lifetime. England to Italy to Switzerland to Australia to Thailand to North Carolina. Three months. Stay tuned for those adventures because they will be written about. I can promise you that. 

Lindsay, out. 


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