road trippin' with J Strut.

I did it.

I traveled.

And it was an absolute BLAST. Holy crap. I learned so much it is slightly ridiculous.

I didn't post about Thailand because I had no time to write it all out! But I did write it. It's just in list form.... and it wouldn't make sense to anyone but me. Which is unfortunate. Because Thailand was amazing. Maybe one day I'll write it all out...

So I'll start with after Thailand.

I flew to North Carolina from Thailand and I had layovers in Qatar and Germany. In Qatar, a stranger bought me pizza and a water. In Germany, I had to get searched. They tore my bag apart and did a body search. I was exhausted at this point so I just let it alllll happen with no emotion on my face.

FINALLY I landed in North Carolina EARLY but customs seemed to be on their lunch break so we had to sit on the plane for an hour and wait. Then customs itself took 10 years but finally I was out. And I was able to use my phone again! So I called Jeffrey. And he came around the corner and we embraced and I was ecstatic. I had been looking forward to this reunion alllllllll summer.

So our drive commenced. We went to Tennessee and visited his mission. We went to dinner with one of the guys from the ward he served in and then we drove through a CRAZY rainstorm to Kentucky, where we stayed for night 1.

Then we got up the next morning and drove to Chicago and Jeff bought me a little kid's Cubs jersey and then we went to the Cubs game. Jeff was hilarious. On our walk to Wrigley Field, he was shaking. This was his lifelong dream. He was taking it allllll in. The Cubs lost to the Giants but it was so cool being there. After the game, we asked this lady to take our picture and she said, "is this your girlfriend??" and Jeff said, "....yeah." So then she proceeded to take our picture and my stomach is going CRAZY because he just called me his GIRLFRIEND. And after I went to grab the phone, she said, "how long have you been dating??" and I said, "I don't know! This was news to me!" So that was fun.

Then for night 2, we stayed just outside Chicago.

The next day we drove from Chicago to Cheyenne, Wyoming. That was a long day. We witnessed the COOLEST lightning storm through Nebraska though. We pulled over to watch it.

When we got to Cheyenne, it was like 3am. And we couldn't find a cheap hotel. We ended up staying at the Luxury Inn. Funny because it was the crappiest place I've ever been. ha

The next day we drove to Vernal, where I met Kevin and Amy Struthers for the first time. And that was so much fun! They're adorable. They took us to dinner and then after dinner, we took Cassie (his dog) for a walk and then Kevin wanted to look at all of my pictures from traveling so we spent the next two hours do that. ha Jeff fell asleep it was so boring.

The next day was Sunday so we went to church with his parents and then we drove to Lehi and my mom fed us and then we went and played tennis! Then we headed to Logan.

And thus ended the best summer of my life.


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