dating shmating.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH the hardships of dating.
Dating sucks.
It is so fetching hard to find a great guy to date. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are many "good" guys but it seems as though these "good" guys are people I would never date. That sounds extremely rude but I have a type. I'm basically 99% sure that everyone has a particular "type" of guy they like to date. "Good" guys are my type but there are many other things that I would like them to be... ha I sound shallow but I'm not, I promise. Also, it feels like there is a ratio of 1,000 to 1 with guys. 1,000 being the douche bags and 1 being my "type". It's not fair! I feel like I would be a fantastic person to date but when guys won't even look at you, the level of my confidence plummets down.
The reason I am ranting about dating is because everyone and their MOM's are getting married. EVERYONE. I feel like an old maid. When in reality, I am not even to the age that I would like to be married at. It's hard to keep reality in check when all the 18-year olds are gettin hitched right out of high school. Have they even lived yet? I think not. I had reality smack me in the face with a metal bat when I graduated from high school. Growing up as a naive little girl in the city of Lehi, I was not prepared to face the world. Dating in Lehi was a problem as well. I grew up there and I had known practically everyone since the age of 5. So these people had seen me through all the stages of my adolescence. Namely, the UGLY transition period between being a scrawny, brace-face, almost unibrowed, badly dressed, tall little tomboy to being a scrawny, straight-teethed, plucked, uh... better dressed, average teenager. Moral of this story is: I didn't date much in high school. My definition of dating is officially dating. Like boyfriend/girlfriend. I did go on a lot of dates in high school but guys never wanted to seriously date me. I am not wanting a pity party; I am merely explaining my situation. and this is partially a rant sesh. So bear with me.
Aaaaaaaanyways, back to my ratio. There are a lot of guys out there who don't deserve the pretty girls on the earth. Have you ever noticed that? There are a MILLION pretty girls who deserve good guys but there is like 1 good guy for every 10 awesome girls! These ratios are KILLING ME! This is when I compare myself to the girls around me (something I don't recommend) and I say to myself... How in the CRAP am I gonna get a guy that's right for me when there are so many other girls who are better than I am?? Ah I hate comparing myself. Can't help it.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is--my dating life sucks. Obviously. haha but with all these ratios and comparisons, I've come to realize one thing. With the 1,000 to 1 ratio, I guess all I need is that 1 great guy who is right for me to sweep me off my feet and love me for who I am; but until we find each other, I will need the patience to wait for him. Here's to hopin' :)


  1. Dude, I was totally just thinking about this today. (Sorry, I hope you don't mind that I read your blog!) I know exactly how you feel. Exactly. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone, haha! It'll happen for you, Lindz. You're an amazing girl - if guys don't realize that, you don't want them anyway. I'm not just saying that either; I know it's completely true ;)

    Oh, and we need to hang out still. Call me the next time you are in Lehi :) Love you, girly!


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