christhmus is hurr. hip hip hooRAY!

So, tis the season.

I've learned I can't truly appreciate the Christmas holidays until finals are DOOOOONE. Over and DONE. Why do teachers feel like it's necessary to torture us like this? It does nothing good for my brain and the stress makes me want to shoot something with a gun. Preferably myself. Not suicidal I promise. :) Only during finals week.

Anyway, on to happier subjects. Like my to do list during Christmas break!
I have so many things I want to do!! But who to do them with? The world may never know.
1. Ice skating
2. Temple Square
3. Sledding
4. Build a snowman
5. EPIC snowball battle
6. Construct a snow fort
7. Enjoy New Year's Eve in St. Geezy with mi familia and familia.... friends.
8. Make Jello snow.... (in memory of Fatty)
9. Build the world's greatest gingerbread house
10. Pajama party in my onesie (childish I know, but I can live in the past right?)

If I can't accomplish these ten things, I'll just have to do them up at UTAH STATE.

I also want to go to a Jazz game. I almost got the son of John Stockton to take me to a Jazz game. Do you know how much fun that would be?! I almost talked Michael into it and then.... one thing led to another... and we didn't go.

Speaking of JOHN STOCKTON. I neeeeeeed to write about my experience.
He comes to the Westminster basketball games to see Michael play and I have wanted to introduce myself to him for about.... a year and a half. So on the amazing night of December the fourth, John Stockton was sitting behind me in the stands and I decided that on that night, I was going to do it.
So the game ends and I'm sitting there talking to some friends and I see Michael Stockton walk over to his parents and my friend pushed me and said "Here's your chance!" So I walk over and as I'm walking my temperature is rising..... My hands start getting clammy.... And I have a ridiculously giddy smile on my face. I walk over and give Michael a hug and told him he had a good game. He then proceeds to leave me standing alone with his parents. (Later he said that he left to see if I could muster up the courage to actually do it). As I'm standing there THE John Stockton starts talking to me. Here's the conversation:
John (we're on a first name basis): What's your name again?
Me: Lindsay Judd, nice to meet you! What's your name (turning to his wife)?
Wife: skfjlfjd (I can't remember her name....)
Me: Oh nice to meet you! I see you guys at every game, you guys are such loyal parents! I'm on the soccer team and my parents wouldn't travel with us... haha
John: Oh it's because Michael is a senior! Can't miss any games! What year are you?
Me: I'm a sophomore, so maybe they'll make it to my senior games.
John: Hopefully!
Me: Well it was great meeting you!
John and Wife: Yes maybe we'll see you again!
Me: For sure! See ya!

Then ended the best conversation of my life. Well.... kinda.

Sorry for the long post but I had to tell the story!
I thought of a great line to end this post with and so it goes:
            I accomplished my mission in life so what's holding you from accomplishing yours??
Smart eh? :)

Sadly I didn't get a picture with John so this is the best we got.
He's up in the left hand corner.... ha

Since I didn't get any pictures with John, here's some pictures of Michael and I!
First time I met Michael Stockton!

Neon DANCE! Best dance ever. 

Again, Michael and I.... ha


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