The Excitement of starting a blog. Let me tell ya.

I've wanted to start a blog for a while now.... a whole two weeks. So today, my dear friend KATE says to me: you should start a blog, I will follow it :) And my thought process was, here's my chance... I can start a blog and now I have some motivation! Someone will actually READ IT! Imagine that. So here I am... a blog started.... and I'm speechless. I have no clue what to talk about. I actually have cyberspace fright.

What's the point of a blog anyways? Is it like a personal journal online where anyone in the world can read it? Doesn't sound very trustworthy. Is it like a vent sesh with blogspot where all it will do is listen and not interrupt and have no input at all? Sounds like my kind of friend.... not.

Wow, wasn't this post worth reading?? I can only imagine the joyful posts that there are to come...
Enjoy :)


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