Missions. Missions. Missions.

Ok I know missions are MOST DEFINITELY a necessity for a boy who ever wants to mature correctly but why must they take my best friends away from me for two whole years???? I mean I have a HUGE testimony about missions and all but when they started picking my friends off one by one, i became quite concerned! Ya see.... I go to a school where mormons are.... let's just say we aren't very high on the social food chain. The non-mormon children mostly don't want anything to do with us unless a) we flirt a loooooooot b) we don't keep the standards of the church and c) we dress slutty. yippee for wearing practically nothing. So my friends from Lehi were my only source of a social life and now we've got girls comin out the ying yang and absolutely no boys. So then what happens to our dating life?? It goes down the pooper that's for dang sure. So this post is about my beeeeeeeest guy friends who are now on missions. God Bless.
Master Eythan Barney III

Eythan Barney has been my friend since I was about 4 years old. I remember the first time I met him.... walking down the cul-de-sac to fetch an animal and I just happened to come over while the Barney family was moving in. Since then Eythan has been my ULTIMATE best friend. We had a few years of what we like to call "the dark ages" where we didn't talk much and I'm sad we missed out on those few years :( he just barely left on Wednesday and I miss him like crazy. I got to go to his setting apart, which was a really neat experience. I love this kid and I can't wait til he comes home because basically he's not gettin rid of me. Lifelong friends :) 


Westo Jensen and I have known each other since grade school but we were never really friends. Like ever. In fact, I'll be honest, he kinda bugged me. But this last year I got to know him and we started hanging out a ton and I came to love the kid! He's hilarious. Him, Huey, Isaiah, Eythan- they all acted gay together. I don't know why. But they obviously thought it was the cool thing to do so props to them. Westo left just 3 weeks ago and I can't believe he's gone. He had a vision of all of us when the guys get back. His vision was we all marry each other so we can all still hang out. Great plan right? I sense there would be some minor flaws but overall it seems practically fool proof..... not. ha Gotta love Westo :)


Oh Houston Wright. How I have always loved you. ha Hue here left like 2 months ago! Boy time flies! Houston and I met sophomore year of high school and we knew each other but it wasn't until after high school that we really became friends.  We started hanging out because my lovely friend Nicole and him hung out and Nicole wanted me in on that so.... how could I resist?? I mean look at him, he's so fun to look at :) hahaha We had some GREAT times before he left. Moab, Heber, and just all the hang out sesh's we had. Gosh I miss him. Ohhhh Hue. Love you.

Fatty Caleb

Don't be fooled by my nickname for Caleb here. He's the skinniest guy I know. But calling him fatty was seriously the best. One time, that I personally will never forget, we were playing SPAZ on his pool table and somehow he fell and landed on a wooden chest full of toys and the lid snapped. Right in half. As Caleb landed on it. hahahaha I about DIED from laughing. The funniest part was the I had already been calling him fatty but in that moment, he completely lived up to the nickname. We became practically best friends when we graduated high school. He was the most loyal texting buddy I have ever had. We would make fun of each other constantly and he aaaaaaaalways had a comeback. I miss Caleb more than I thought I would. He was so easy to talk to and so easy to make fun of.... :) I seriously love Caleb, he's absolutely the best. I hope we stay friends when he gets home. Love you Caleb Freeman.

Michael Gregory Babcock love of my life

Mike Babcock and I date all the way back to 9th grade. Ya see, our friend Kaci introduced him to me and I thought he was the hottest kid on the planet. Every time we would see him, I would get all hot and my stomach would start freaking out. I thought it was love for sure. Me and Mike started IM-ing (ya know, back when it was cool) and he told me he liked me and i was NUMBER ONE on his top five list! (again, something that was hip when i was a child) I about DIED when he told me! I seriously thought I had died and gone to heaven. So Michael and I held hands. Twice. I know I know, great stuff. Then one day we were IM-ing. Again. And he told me he didn't like me anymore. I thought I'd be heartbroken.... BUT. I immediately stopped liking him and from that moment on... we were best friends. Craaaaaaazy right?? We told each other EVERYTHING. We would sneak out and talk, we always had heart to hearts, he was the first person i called when Felix and I had our falling out and I bawled on the phone to him for hours. Mike has a special place in my heart. I don't know what I'd do without him. I can't wait til he comes home :) katinkaingabagovninahnah. 

Bren Bren Meregildo

Brenny boy I have also known since I was about five. What do you expect growing up in Lehi?? We, too, were never super close until jr high. That was when he dated Kayla and boy was their relationship strong. I seriously thought they were gonna get married. But then they broke up... and we all had Spanish together... and I have always had a crush on this kid (just look at his face; he's gorgeous; could you blame me?) so I had Kayla on one side and Brennan on the other. That class was the BOMB. Ann Marie can attest to that. This was when me and Brennan really hit it off. We became super tight and we talked all the time and blah blah. You know the usual. Then in high school, he became extreeeeeeeeeeemely popular and forgot about us little ppl for a while but then he returned and graced us with his presence and my heart could beat once again. I miss Meregildo so much! And boy will I always love him.

I have the best friends in the entire world. I loved getting to know them all and spending time with them was the greatest. I miss them all. I know time goes by fast but who knows what'll happen in two years!!? A whole lot of something or a whole lot of nothing could happen. Guess we'll have to wait and see....


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